Grapat Lola – Forever Toys

Grapat Lola


The Grapat Lola set is incredible! It is a unique toy that has so many uses. The little Lola people can be used in small worlds, in a doll house or any type of pretend play. The set comes with Lola figures, beakers, tubes & blocks. All cylindrical in shape.

Colour sorting is always a favourite with Grapat toys. The little Lola's can go on adventures together, create buildings by stacking. 

The mathematical possibilities with this set range from simple to complex.

72 pieces set with 12 different Rainbow color pieces.
Lola set includes: 12 big Lola , 12 mid Lola, 12 small Lola, 12 Tubes , 12 Solid Tubes and 12 half Tubes

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